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Showing posts from November, 2023

Critic's Circle: 1992

       1992. I was born this year in a hospital in Connecticut. This year is significant to me for that reason and that reason alone. I also recently found a website that lists the most critically acclaimed songs by year. A Swedish statistician combed through many top 10 song lists compiled by Rolling Stone, NME, and other music publications from all over the world. With this data, he found the most acclaimed songs and separated them by genre, year, and country. For fun, I decided to see what the most critically-loved songs of my birth year were, listen to the top 100, and rank my favorites.       To see the list and complain about my choices click here . Honorable Mentions: Sheela-na-gig by PJ Harvey (#23): For those who don't know, a sheela-na-gig is a crude carving of a woman exposing her lady parts found in Europe in the 11th century. In the song, PJ Harvey uses her body to get the attention of a man. In return, she gets slut shamed by the man...