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Showing posts from November, 2020

2020 Music Award Show

 2020 is really close to being over. Let's talk about the best and worst musical things of this year. I made up a couple awards to talk about a couple artists and a couple songs. I am doing it this early to predict the nominees of an actual award show, but we'll get to that later. Best Lyrics Here are my favorite lines, choruses, and words said in the music I listened to this year. I made a top 8 list to cover more songs. 8. Little Hurt- Alaska: " Yeah, I could bring the vibe down from ten to zero / The world's most pointless superhero" 7. Matt Maeson- Ha llucinogenics: " Go find yourself a man who's strong, and tall, and Christian" 6. Run the Jewels feat. Pharrell Williams and Zach De La Rocha- JU$T: " Master of these politics, you swear that you got options/  Master of opinion 'cause you vote with the white-collar/  The Thirteenth Amendment says that slavery's abolished  /Look at all these slave masters posin' on yo' dollar....